Cooperation & Business
We offer a range of solutions and cooperation models that enable your organization or enterprise to make significant strides toward environmental protection while
Benefits for Partners
Collaboration Meeting the Highest Ethical Standards
Our company was founded on a solid foundation of business ethics, credibility, and transparency. In accordance with our mission principles, we always strive to create a harmonious environment, which is reflected in our relationships with our partners.
Access to Innovative, Patent-Protected Technology
By collaborating with iQiTech, you gain the opportunity to benefit from our groundbreaking, patented technology, which perfectly addresses the most pressing need of the modern world – avoiding climate catastrophe and saving health and life on our planet.
Increase in Profitability and Stability of Earnings
The fuel industry is facing an increasing loss of profitability associated with the inevitable energy transition. Utilizing our technology not only appears to be a specific remedy for this situation but also creates entirely new opportunities, transforming the industry and adapting it to changing needs, thereby ensuring increased profitability for this sector for many years to come.
Benefits for Recipients
(resulting from the use of Q18)
Reduction of Operating Costs
Our additive ensures better utilization of the fuel mixture, resulting in a fuel consumption reduction of an average of 7 to 12%. This value directly translates to:
- reduction of operating costs (production or service)
- increased competitiveness
- greater mobility and range (in the case of transportation or strategic operations)
Optimization of Exploitation Costs
Thanks to the properties that enhance engine and DPF filter longevity, you increase service intervals and reduce the cost of component replacement. This ensures your company:
- increased reliability and safety
- continuity of production/service delivery
- better efficiency and savings
- additional increase in competitiveness
Odpisy Podatkowe i Redukcja Opłat Środowiskowych
W wielu krajach (takich, jak np. Wielka Brytania) przedsiębiorcy mają możliwość czynienia bezpośrednich odpisów podatkowych i środowiskowych z tytułu zastosowania technologii zmniejszających emisje. Oszczędności są znaczne, czego dowodem mogą być testy przeprowadzone przez nasze zapryjaźnione firmy.
- redukcja opłat z tytułu emisji CO₂
- obniżenie podatku społecznego
- inne odpisy podatkowe
Strengthening the Company's Image
By using Q18 in your enterprise, you join the elite group of top brands and permanently establish your contribution to environmental protection, which provides you with:
- the creation and maintenance of a conscious brand image
- increased recognition and loyalty from your customers and recipients
Contribution to Saving the Planet
In the face of the climate crisis, every action, even individual efforts towards environmental protection, holds enormous significance. Therefore, each of our clients (in addition to many other benefits) gains awareness of their contribution to environmental initiatives, and the mission of our company becomes a common good.
Improvement of Health and Saving the Lives of People and Animals
Alongside climate threats, another equally pressing aspect is the reduction of Particulate Matter (PM) and other pathogenic gases, which according to the WHO are one of the most serious causes of disease complications and premature deaths among both humans and animals. Our revolutionary formula Q18 provides a powerful reduction of these factors, thereby ensuring our clients a significant contribution to air quality.
Collaboration Models
Become a Licensed Manufacturer
Learn how you can obtain a license to manufacture our components.
Become Our Distributor
Learn how you can obtain exclusivity for the distribution of our fuel components in your country or region.
Become our Client
Find out how to prepare an order and implement Q18 components in your enterprise.